What is your warranty?
We offer a lifetime warranty against adhesion loss.

How many color choices are there?
We offer over 100 color combinations, as well as several different sizes. Solid colors are also available.

Is the floor slippery when wet?
No. Our coatings provide for a textured surface.

Are all of your floors glossy?
We have matte finishes available, but they require more frequent cleaning to look pristine.

Will oil or gas stain the surface?
No. Our clear coats are chemical resistant and will not stain.

Will hot tires lift off color or leave marks?
No. Tires will not yellow, darken, stain or lift coating. It will look as if your car was never parked in your garage.

Will coating chip or scratch from heavy equipment?
No. Our coatings are abrasion resistant and cure to a pencil hardness of 2H3H.

How long does installation take?
Most installations are completed in one day.

How long before I can drive or walk on surface?
We recommend 6 hours for foot traffic and 36 hours for vehicle traffic.

Will you move heavy items out of the way?
Yes. Items on the wall can stay. We ask that you move small items that may shift in cabinets.

Does it have a strong odor?
It has a slight solvent odor but dissipates quickly.

What do you do about cracks?
We fill cracks with a fast set epoxy crack weld product. We recommend leaving control joints (saw cuts) open.

How long will coating last?
Coating is a renewable flooring option and will last as long as it is taken care of. A fresh sealer coat may be applied, although usually not necessary from 8-14 years after initial installation, depending on use.

Is there any maintenance?
Just sweep, mop or an occasional pressure wash is all that is needed for years to come. After a decade or more, depending on use, an optional reseal is available.

What if there is paint or sealer on the floor?
All bond breakers must be removed, so coating can wick deep into concrete. We do this by dust free diamond grinding with vacuums hooked up.

Is the grinding process dusty?
No. We use industrial vacuums hooked up to our grinders to create a dustless environment.

What is the cost for installation?
An average 2 car garage, 400 square feet, will cost $1900 - $2100, depending on prep work involved.

Do you accept credit cards?
Yes. We accept all major credit cards, with a 3.5% convenience fee applied

Do you give free estimates?
Yes. Call us or fill out the estimate request form. We will call you as soon as possible to arrange for an onsite consultation